Thursday, June 17, 2010

Compulsive Gambling ...

Compulsive Gamblers, Crystal Gazing Luck Amazing album cover

I go through music-listening phases just like most folks who spend much of their time listening to records. You know, a month/week/day of listening to mostly one artist or band. I have my Westerberg months, my Neil Young times, my Springsteen weeks, my Faces days, but recently I have been on a really extended kick. It has been 6 to 12 months of Greg Cartwright/Jack Yarber-related bands. I have been consistently spinning records by the Oblivians, the Reigning Sound, The Compulsive Gamblers, and a live Greg Cartwright record ... plus a couple of Jack-O and the Tearjerkers records to boot, and Harlan T. Bobo, which may not be directly related, but they have played/play together, so I can justify that in my "kick". Anyway, all this just to say that they are ALL top notch, and peppered with some of the best rock'n'roll songwriting around. Timeless, catchy, heartfelt, and the kind of songs that get stuck in your craw ...

Although this is a cover-tune (on the above album), I woke up with it on my brain today and it seems appropriate, so enjoy ...

Compulsive Gamblers | Your Happiness (CGLA, 2000)

Okay, I added some more ... so you get a fuller idea.

The Reigning Sound | Break It (Love and Curses, 2009)

Greg Cartwright | Better Man than Me (Live at the Circle A, 2009)

Jack-O and the Tennessee Tearjerkers | Sweet Thang (The Disco Outlaw, 2009)

Harlan T. Bobo | Hamster in a Cage (Sucker, 2010)

Now, go buy the records !!!

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