Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Southern Poetry

The Southern Poetry Anthology | Forthcoming from Texas Review Press

This is one of those "jobs" that just came together perfectly. My friend Jesse Graves is one of the editors for this collection of poetry (to be released via Texas Review Press). They needed a cover idea quickly (very quickly), and as the poetry selected is from the Southern Appalachian region it gave me reason to dig through my images and think about what could represent the themes well.

I came up with this image from a farm in Sharps Chapel, TN ... taken last spring while I was visiting. There's something about the hallway family photos, the stairwell, the door frame, and the paneling that just leaves so much to be figured out. At the same time I feel like the image speaks to the region, the family connection, and the sense of place. Without knowing the photos, they still remind me of my own family, and of my own connectivity. Well, I hope they do. I'm excited to get to read all the work between the covers. The list of poems is impressive, and I'll post more details as the release date nears.

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