Monday, May 16, 2011


The Headroom | 2011

I've been pretty blog-heavy this week as I'm finally getting through some film I've been neglecting, and getting to scan a few shots. This past winter I took a roll or two in this room (The Headroom, mentioned a few blogs below), but I like this one most out of them all. It's not technically the best, but for some reason it just feels good. My dad taught in the Wildlife & Fisheries Dept. for 40-odd years, and being back in that building is always nice. It always stays, and smells roughly the same. It brings back memories of my "Overall-Wearing-Days" ... the ones where I drank Mt. Dew in the morning before class and spent all day looking at, and talking about ... trees, birds, furbearers, and the best ways in which to manage them for future generations. Mostly in Room 114.

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