Thursday, July 3, 2008

EN ROUTE - #8/8

Bill's Diner. Hwy. 25W.

Well, here we are at the last of the En Route series. This one's been on the blog before, but I think it was a fitting last-shot in the series. I've been really attracted to taking reflection shots in windows. The obvious reasons are for the depth and interesting results, but it also gives me a good way to practice really seeing how things line up. I love to see if I can make new scenes out of window shots...relationships out of all the objects in the foreground and background...and not necessarily direct relationships, but even just in shapes or shadows. I like how the building in the reflection makes a whole new impression of the face stencil in the window. Well, I dunno. Enough of that. You can look at the whole series at the link below.

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