Friday, February 18, 2011

Headroom (revisited)

I am ridiculously excited to get to spend a bit of time in one of my favorite rooms on earth. It's not fancy, like the museums and life-size dioramas you see all over photo-land. It's really pretty dirty, and gritty. The animals in the shelves, and on the walls have been there a long time with no real attention; only classes of future Wildlife & Fisheries researchers, game wardens, property managers, etc ...

Anyway, I spent many hours mulling over animal skins and skull parts in this room, and it means a lot to me, and hopefully I will have access this evening with a better camera and tripod.


tiffany p. said...

Is that a caribou? Looks like he was about to say something right before he bit the dust..

cmp said...

It is ... and yeah, he was probably whispering, "uhoh ..."