New homepage @ chadpelton.com
I know that I really shouldn't post a link to a new website if it isn't finished yet, but to be honest I am an impatient person and not a very good web designer, so feel free to have a visit to my new home. Some furniture needs to be moved around, some floors need to be swept, and there are loads of boxes that haven't even shown up yet. Either way...you are welcome. If you have suggestions on anything feel free to offer them up. My feelings don't get hurt too easily.
In doing one site, I am trying to consolidate my design work, photography, and collage into one central location instead of having three sites...that just doesn't make sense now does it. I have posted my book design, collages, and a couple sets of photos so far so there is still quite a job ahead adding the rest of the design work. It will happen soon enough though, and I will be sending out a 'House Warming' announcement via email...so, all you blog-readers out there (like, all 3 of you)...I feel like I should buy pizza and beer for your showing up during the move. Anyhow, as I said, things will change as it goes, but if you are reading this then bookmark it for goodness sake. At the least it'll be fun to watch me hefting heavy boxes. Link below:
welcome to the new home of chad m pelton
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